A Digital Product Transformation Framework
Digital product transformation is one of the biggest challenges for any company with a Web related business model. No matter how established and successful a company and its digital products…
Digital product transformation is one of the biggest challenges for any company with a Web related business model. No matter how established and successful a company and its digital products…
Product transformation means to make a disruptive move for the existing product portfolio into something new. For the music industry their product transformed from vinly to CD to download. While…
The open innovation process Users and customers are able to participate actively in companies‘ open innovation process in different roles during every single stage. The infographic shows a simplified schematic…
Innovation-Communities lassen sich durch acht verschiedene Ausprägungen abgrenzen und weiter spezifizieren. Das Merkmal Innovator (1) zeigt an, wer die Innovation anstößt. Die Neuerung kann vom Hersteller (klassischer Fall), von einem…
Nach den Aktivitäten und dem Besucherverhalten von Mitgliedern in Innovation-Communities kann man fünf verschiedene Typen unterscheiden: (1) Innovatoren, (2) Aktivisten, (3) Touristen, (4) Mitläufer sowie (5) Trittbrettfahrer. Innovatoren veröffentlichen, im…